I am asking that if you you think you know who it is, don't post it to the comments, but drop me an email. I will post any guesses and if one of you astute visitors is correct, you will be given the proper accolades when the week is out.
Here we go. The first clue is that our mystery guest appeared in 12 films, often in the lead or second lead female role.

Day 2 - The clue: Two of the twelve films by this actress are still commercially available, and one through specialty dealers. See comment for another clue.
Day 3 - Here is an image of our guest from the 1933 Picture Show annual, a British publication. She did make some films in Britain. See comment number 2 for additional data.

Day 4 - Here is a lovely undated publicity still. No new guesses today. I hope someone else identifies our actress before the week is out. Today's clue - all twelve of her films were made between 1930 and 1934. Remember, if you have a guess, send me an e-mail rather than a comment.

Day 5 - Well looks like I have to give a bit more information to help ya'll along. She was born in China, six years before Olivia de Havilland was born in Japan, but our guest was educated in Europe and Great Britain. She appears in one film with Burns and Allen.

Day 6- the last set of clues did the trick. Received two e-mails this morning with the correct answer. I know it still took a bit of sleuthing, and congratulate those who solved the identity of the Mystery Guest. All is now revealed and please read the 3rd comment to see who correctly named Sari Maritza. See her bio here.
Here are a few more images of Sari.

One guess received so far - Luise Rainer. Sorry, but that is incorrect. However, our mystery guest and Luise share two things in common; one is that neither was born in the United States.
Well, one knowledgeable visitor has correctly identified our mystery guest, but you could be next.
Our guest made appearances in pictures for Paramount and RKO in 1933.
Just two days in and...drumroll, Marylouise correctly identified Sari. Way to Go!
I asked her how she knew and she said:"It was that look on the frame grab. The tilt of the shoulders gave it away for me. I have never watched any of her films. I only know her from the photos I have found of her on the Internet. She has intrigued me from the first moment I laid eyes on her. Allure was something she definitely possessed." BTW, that frame grab was from Crimson Romance. Be sure to visit Marylouise's site at http://joltenjoeswife.livejournal.com/
Today at 9:45 I received this from JC Loophole: "Ok, that was the biggest clue yet, but Sari Maritza fits all of your clues. Sad thing is I had never heard of this lovely lady. What a fun way for me to learn about this actress!" JC blogs here - http://randomshelf.blogspot.com/
Finally, at 10:49 Scott sent this: "Thanks to IMDB and your clues. Can't say I've heard of her or seen the movies. Kudos to whomever figured it out first."
Finally, thanks to anyone who took a look, whether you guessed or not.
Didn't know where to post this but I do not see Luana Walters here on your site. She had allure in spades. Saw her in 'Shadow of Chinatown' and my eyes went Aooooogaaaah!
oh i love sari maritza, i cannot believe how unknown she is, in my opinion she's just as gorgeous as Marlene dietrich or jean harlow
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